Collection Development
Hacettepe University Libraries directly support education, training and research-based activities of the University.
The basic collection development principles of Hacettepe University Libraries are as follows:
To Provide books, periodicals, electronic resources and audio-visual resources in order to support teaching and intellectual activities, To Provide basic and supplementary sources for any topic, Provide reference sources for any topic.
Requests for Books
Faculty members and assistants, librarians and students of Hacettepe University may suggest new sources for the collection. Users may submit their printed or electronic requests clicking the Book Requests link in the Catalog Search section on the library website.
You can call 297 5693 or write e-mail to Acquisitions, Collection Development and Cataloguing Department for your requests.
Requests for E-resources
Faculty members and assistants, librarians and students of Hacettepe University may suggest new sources for the e-collection. Subcriptions / purchase decisions are given after the evaluation of the requests.
You may call 297 6585or write an e-mail to E-Resources Department for your requests.
Requests for Printed/Electronic Journals
Faculty members and assistants, librarians and students of Hacettepe University may suggest new sources for the collection. Subscriptions / purchase decisions are given after the evaluation the requests.
You can call 297 6590 or write e-mail to Periodicals Department for your requests.
Requests for Audio-Visual Resources
Faculty members and assistants, librarians and students of Hacettepe University may suggest new sources for the collection. Subscriptions / purchase decisions are given after evaluation the requests.
You may call 297 6592 or write e-mail to Audio-Visuals Department for your requests.